Wednesday, October 22, 2008

sometimes you just have to ask why?

It is'nt until the process of eradication of all things that hinder you is complete, that "he" is able to restore what is broken within you. For what does it profit to fix today and break tomorrow? How can one fathom the thought of being held captive to your will? How could she; so innocent, so pure, so beautiful beyond her own knowlegde, find rythm in the inconsistent tune you sing. She held a blinde eye, niave heart, and ignorant mind to the blatent obvious facts of your incompitence to love her. She counted on memories from the past to create her future. Like a slow form of suicide, she watched you take out her heart, message it with force, adding more pressure as the years went on. She became weak. mentally, physically, emotionally, more importantly, spiritually. You drained her of everything she knew to be herself. And the question that lingers within her ear is WHY?

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