Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I remember a time when Christmas used to be the best holiday anyone's ever invented. I used to anticipate it every year and make lists of all the things I wanted. If I was good, I'd actually get them. It just seems like once you pass the age of 16, or once you get a job Christmas will never be the same agian. The excitment and anticipation turns into stress and agony. You have to worry about buying gifts and keeping a bugdet as soon as Thanksgiving pass. The worst part is when other people tell you they're going to get you something, and in actuality, you never planned on getting them anything, but now you feel obligated, putting a deeper dent into your wallet. No one thinks about the real meaning anymore. Its all about buying, giving, recieving, and wants. Christmas just is not the same anymore. According to some peoples' religion its supposed to be about the birth of Jesus and so forth. But even that has lost it's menaing, with the big fat guy in the red suit stealing all the attentiona and glory. I once loved this holiday, not even because of the gifts, but the feeling it put everyone in. It put everyone in a happy mood. Now as soon as you mention Christams to an adult, you hear grunts and the sucking of teeth. Christmas is just not the same.

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