Wednesday, October 22, 2008


To be embraced by a warm wind clasped between wings of protection
Divulging ones ignorant eyes and enlightening them to a scornful yet promising connection
To be steadfast though he slays you
To have such prudence though he pains you
love is not insatiable, his only request is understandment
If ones spirit is immutable it is not love that has siezed your heart but lust that has captivated your eyes
It is not devotion that leads your hands but a temporary desire to connect physically inside
Love should not perplex nor should it be complex to understand
It should sooth your soul and find reverence in yourself and man
Love is not a shield from pain and pain should not deter you from love
but should lure you closer to connect with whom you were destined from above
Love is inevitable, it is not you who choose but he who finds your fit
And in the words of William Shakespear
If any man should prove this wrong
It is not by my hand that this is writ.

sometimes you just have to ask why?

It is'nt until the process of eradication of all things that hinder you is complete, that "he" is able to restore what is broken within you. For what does it profit to fix today and break tomorrow? How can one fathom the thought of being held captive to your will? How could she; so innocent, so pure, so beautiful beyond her own knowlegde, find rythm in the inconsistent tune you sing. She held a blinde eye, niave heart, and ignorant mind to the blatent obvious facts of your incompitence to love her. She counted on memories from the past to create her future. Like a slow form of suicide, she watched you take out her heart, message it with force, adding more pressure as the years went on. She became weak. mentally, physically, emotionally, more importantly, spiritually. You drained her of everything she knew to be herself. And the question that lingers within her ear is WHY?

So long Winter!

You must be able to recognize when your given a blessing in disguise, you may not see it with your eyes, but in time your grieving heart will ease and rid of all the anger wich emotionally and socially confines. But when spring turns cold, and the wrath of her anger created from her pain threatens blood to your nose, retain your composure. Lash back not. For your strength is not defined by how quick u lash back but how u laugh at the act derived froma lie. Winter...shes turned cold...she will allow, the closest thing to her, the clouds, to hide the sun, the light, the truth. You can be mad at the change, be sad at the change, but be glad the change showed you the truth. Play back in your head every word that was said, i now know the truth about you. So now I say forget it. We were never "friends" from the start so why should I even care. I dont! Im done, im finished, I wont allow winters wind to knock me off balance this is it you see. Even when winter settles down and spring comes around your as good as casper and a sweet memory. So long winter I tell you so long, send the wrath of your winds after me, but the love of God and myself shall keep me warm. So long winter I say so long!

The jail visit!

My friend got arrested April 11, 2007. He goes by the name of Munchy and was the biggest dope dealer in my town and the surrounding towns. He was wanted by the police for years but always escaped long jail sentences because they never had sufficient evidence to charge him. Make a long story short he got caught. I went to the jail for the first time in my life to visit him and to be perfectly honest it was not all that bad. My friends told me stories of how they make you take off your bra. They also said it smells really bad and you get this uncomfortable feeling in your body that makes you just want to get out of there. But it was nothing like that. I got there and I went through the metal detector. I was not forced to take anything off. I went to see Munch and a thick glass seperated us. There were tiny wholes in the center for us to speak through. Once you got over the tension I felt a ease. We laughed and joked for the whole 30 minute visit. The worst part was seeing him walk away back through the steal door with the guards. He refused to take his eyes off me and I refused to take my eyes off him. The jail visit, it really was not that bad!

Talking while driving...

I always used to argue that talking while driving is not harmful. It is perfectly possible and okay to talk while driving without getting into an accident. This was my idea before last weekend. I went home and borrowed my brothers car to take care of some errands and I left my bluetooth at home. I answered anyway because I've done this thousands of times. By surprise it was an old friend and the conversation toook off in excitement. I started to make hand gestures while gossiping about the latest drama going on, taking my hands off the wheel and staring with my kneese. Right when I was at the peak of my story BOOM! I slammed right into the back of a Lexus truck. Seeing that I hit the car from the back, it was automatically considered my fault. So, im warning you all, do not talk while driving no matter how much concentration you may think you have. A second of distractions, could be a second which you'll be paying for, for the rest of your life. In my case for the next couple of months.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The silent killer!

I was on the subway one Friday night, coming home from a dinner in Manhatten with my boyfriend, when a homeless man walked down the isle. He had this really bad odor. I mean the kind where you are forced to cover your nose, not even to be rude, but because it made your nose hairs curl up. I tried to cover my nose on the low because i felt really bad and did not want to embarress him but as I turned my head the whole train had thier hands covering thier face. He immediatley saw this and decided to speak on it. The young guys' clothes were torn and worn inside out. He stood about 6 feet and had long hair. He was in desperate need of a cut. He spoke real softly but caught everyones attention. He said goodevening ladies and gentlemen, I am so sorry for my ododr but I am poor, homeless, have not showered in 2 weeks, I have not eaten in days, and I have AIDS. When he said this everyone's eyes shot open, some looked at him in disgust, others moved slowly away from where he stood. He told his story of how his mother and father kicked him out immediatley and cut him off from the entire family. His girlfriend left him out of anger because he unknowingly infected her. All his friends turned thier backs on him when he needed them most. He was dying and there is nothing he could do about it. The most interesting part of the whole story is that he looked perefectly normal. I mena, from appearance you could tell that he was homeless and needed a bath but he didnt look like he was dying inside. The thing young people need to know is that anyone could have AIDS. It's not like aid patients walk around with stamps on thier forehead like I have full blown aids. More importantly, half the people that have AIDS don't even know thier infected. It is the worlds biggest silent killer. With his story the guy stole a lot of passengers hearts as they gave him money and food. He then recited a poem talking about how he keeps his hopes high and is thankful for everyday that he is alive. I was truly touched by this man, so much so that i went home and did research on the AIDS epidemic. The moral of this blog is to be careful of who you have sexual intercourse with because you know when you'll get more than what you bargain for.


I remember a time when Christmas used to be the best holiday anyone's ever invented. I used to anticipate it every year and make lists of all the things I wanted. If I was good, I'd actually get them. It just seems like once you pass the age of 16, or once you get a job Christmas will never be the same agian. The excitment and anticipation turns into stress and agony. You have to worry about buying gifts and keeping a bugdet as soon as Thanksgiving pass. The worst part is when other people tell you they're going to get you something, and in actuality, you never planned on getting them anything, but now you feel obligated, putting a deeper dent into your wallet. No one thinks about the real meaning anymore. Its all about buying, giving, recieving, and wants. Christmas just is not the same anymore. According to some peoples' religion its supposed to be about the birth of Jesus and so forth. But even that has lost it's menaing, with the big fat guy in the red suit stealing all the attentiona and glory. I once loved this holiday, not even because of the gifts, but the feeling it put everyone in. It put everyone in a happy mood. Now as soon as you mention Christams to an adult, you hear grunts and the sucking of teeth. Christmas is just not the same.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Never cook and talk on the phone!

I'm sure everyones mom used to tell you don't cook while talkin on that phone. Well if not im telling you. Do not cook while talking on the phone! It all goes back to December 3 2006. I remember this date so distinctly because it was the same day of step tryouts at my high school. I had just got home and was absolutely starving. I skipped lunch to practice in the gym. So when I got home I immediatley went to the kitchen, hooked up the George Forman Lean Mean Fat Grillin Machine for a burger, and heated up some oil to make fries. Then my girlriend called me gossiping about who she thought was going to make it and who was just crazy for even trying out. I automatically got sunken into the world of high school gossip and forgot all about the oil. Before I know I'm smellin smoke and I immediatley run to the kitchen and a ring of black smoke was surrounding the bottom of the pot. I started to reach over to turn the aisle off and a huge flame engolfed the air. At this point my sister hears the ruckus and decides to see whats going on. Her eys blew up and her face was filled with worry. As the flames grew i got scared that my wooden cabinents would catch on fire because the flame was almost touching it. So, my sister gets this bright idea to move the pot outside. I was in a state of panic so I agreed without even thinking. I grabbed the oven mit (there was only one) and grabbed the pot, keeping my arms as straight as possible to keep the flame away from me. My sister opened the side door and right when she did that a huge wind pushed the flame towards my face. I immediatley dropped the pot and the oil spilled all over my hand. At first I didn't feel a thing. As the oil dropped it was so hot it felt cold. I continued on my mission to put the fire out. My nieghbor ran over to the house and as i bent down to grab dirt and sand my hands stiffened. It started to get real wrinkly. Then it hit me. An internal burning sensation filled my hand with pain. No matter how much I blew it or poured water on it, my hand just would not stop burning. I was rushed to the hospital and told I have third degree burns. They had to peel the dead skin off, exposing pure flesh. I would have to dab it in medicated soap (which contained alcohol) so it stung like..... well you know. It took a whole year for my hand to return to its normal appearance. Through this experience I learned to never talk on the phone while cooking. Its really dangerous.

The Great Nostradomus...Could it be true?

Nostradamus was a 16th century French physician and astrologer. He was made many predictions and created a group of followers who saw him as a prophet. In one of his predictions he states, "The year 1999 seven months from the sky will come the great King of Terror.To resuscitate the great king of the Mongols. Before and after Mars reigns by good luck." ( It took everyone by surprise when John F. Kennedy Jr., his wife Carolyn Bessette and her sister Lauren Bessette, were killed in a plane crash on July 18, 1999. Could it be true? Was there a connection between this event and the prophecy of Nostradamus? Many still questioned this. However more recent in history, many soon believed Nostradamus because he predicted the fall of the twin towers. In his prophecy he states "In the city of York there will be a great collapse,2 twin brothers torn apart by chaos, while the fortress falls the great leader will succumb.Third big war will begin when the big city is burning." Seems a bit more than a coincidence!

The 1st Presidential Debate!

On September 26, 2008 McCain and Obama went face front in the first presidentail debate of 2008. Many have different views as to who won but I will provide the stats which follwed the debate. McCain came off much more aggressive as he talked with authority mixed with rhetoric and a condenscending tone. Time and time he talked on Obama undermining his character and insulting his intelligence. For example he never once looked at Obama acknowledging his presence and contstantly told the moderator that Obama did not understand many aspects of the topics. In conclusion he stated Obama did not have the knowledge nor experience to run the country. On the oppsing side, Obama held himself with such elequence, dissmissing many of the rude remarks coming from McCain. He even went on several times to say that McCain brought up some really good points. some thought that was'nt such a good idea. However, the statistics show without a doubt Obama won.CBS News: Obama won 39%, McCain won 25%, Draw 36%Insider Advantage: Obama won 42%, McCain won 41%, Undecided: 17%CNN: Obama "did better" 51%, McCain "did better" 38%

Fashion Police!

What happens when fashion becomes merely objectionable to illegal. Since June 2007 sagging jeans below the waist have been against the law in Delcambre Louisiana. Offenders face a fine as low as 500 dollars or as much as 6 months jail time. The question that rises is do the government actually have a right to interfere with a persons' personal preference of dress style? I mean this is a country where freedom of speech and expression is encouraged. The American Civil Liberties Union does not think so. Benetta Stanley of A.C.L.U, of Georgia states "we don't feel it's the governments role" (New York Times Oct. 07) However, state officials of Louisiana feel pants worn below the waist is indecent and pose a threat to the public. But 6 months jail time seems a bit extreme. I mean can one be that offended by seeing boxers that he/she would want to put someone away for 6 months. Even if they get off with a fine, it just does not seem morally right. I personally feel sagging jeans should not be encouraged at all, but at the same time should also be ones choice. I mean just imagine, your sitting in jail next to murders, drug dealers, and wife beaters, then someone ask you what you in say"sagging my jeans". Just doesn't sound too right.

Even Dogs Eat Better Than Us!

Next time you pass by a McDonalds keep this in mind, the meat which they use to make their burgers is actually rated as grade D. What makes this even more sad is that dog food is rated grade C. Yup! Thats right your dog eats better than we do. However though he facts remain, it's hard not to crave fast foods such as Mcdonalds and taco bell where the meat is so low graded. During a discussion of this topic on, Ana states, "As much as I eat that stuff, I'm lucky to be alive!" I myself had to agree, though I try to stay away from it now that I'm informed. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of Taco bell, but I'm spreading the a little more cautious!

Sex Sells...You buy it?

On many occasions coorperations justify ads of half naked women performing in provocative actions with the idea thats sex sells. Well if sex sells someone has to buy it. Do you buy the idea that just to sell magazines or products a woman must degrade herself in such a way? This is only sending a mesage to the youth that its okay. Its okay to support such actions because money is being made. Now a days one cant turn on the t.v to watch a music video without saeeing young woman dancing around men once agian with no clothes on, while men spit words at them, being glorified by other young men watching. This is only brainwashing our young men today into thinking it is alright to treat women like this. Maybe this the reason our young men mistreat and beat our young women. This idea is treachourous and immoral. If this continues, it will only lead our youth and the future of America into a sad state of affairs