Friday, December 5, 2008

Ghosts....Could they be real?

I recently watched an episode of Maury, where they discussed the possibility of ghosts walking the streets of America. I never really believed the idea of mystical beings here on earth, but after watching some of these video clips, I've never been so drawn to the idea that this may very well be true. They showed videos of shadows lingering around and in one instance a man became posessed by spirit which tried to relay a message to what is known as the other realm. Now, the question which now rise is, is all of this true. Is the evidence sufficient enough to believe the claim that ghosts do in fact exist. Does Maury as well as other shows, conjure up these thoughts and create these videos themselves. Well I dont know, and no one knows for that matter. So, it all comes down to faith and what you believe. I am a very religious person and believe in the idea of hevaen and hell, as well as certain spirits, so this may be the reason Im more compelled to believ these accusations of spirits presenting themselves to human beings. However, others, such as some of my friends just cannot fathom the thought of spiritual beings period. So, ghosts, could they be real? Yes, they very well could be, but are they? No on knows.